Day :
- Green Catalysis | Green Chemistry Applications | Green Synthesis and Designing | New Trends in Green Chemistry | Green Chemical Solvents | Green Metrics and Measurements | Solar Energy in Action | Organic Synthesis|Climate change|Renewable Energy|Global Warming Session Chair: Ron Tolmie,
Location: Holiday Inn & Suites Atlanta Airport
- Green Catalysis | Green Chemistry Applications | Green Synthesis and Designing | New Trends in Green Chemistry | Green Chemical Solvents | Green Metrics and Measurements | Solar Energy in Action | Organic Synthesis|
Session Introduction
Cynthia Ogukwe
Federal University of Technology, Nigeria
Title: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometric (GC-MS) studies on therapeutic potentials of Costus afer ker gawl leaves
Time : 14:15-14:45

Ogukwe, Cynthia Ekwy Associate Professor -Analytical Chemist of Natural Product and Environmental Samples
One goal of the research area is the assessment of the chemical and phytoactive components of Natural product extracts and their application as probable industrial raw material to improve the human health and the environment.
Statement of Problem: The search for new therapeutic agents or biochemical targets and screening of many compounds as possible to find chemical structures for drug development is on the increase. Costus afer leaf infusion is used traditionally throughout tropical Africa to treat disorders such as fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, cough, rheumatism, hemorrhage and tachycardia (rapid heart rate). The present study is to identify the specific components of the Costus afer leaf that are responsible for some of the reported therapeutic properties it exhibits.
Methodology: Dried leaves of Costus afer ker gawl were pulverized to powder with an electric blender. A portion of crude extract from the powdered sample was subjected to Column chromatography. Eluents from the column chromatography were further subjected to GC-MS analysis.
Findings: The obtained prevailing compounds were 13, 27-Cycloursan-3-ol, acetate (36.17%) and lupenone (39.50%) with their retention time as 26.896 min and 29.143 min respectively.
Conclusion: GC-MS studies on the leaf extract of Costus afer showed the presence of two pentacyclic compounds identified as Cycloursan-3-ol, acetate (36.17%) and lupenone (39.50%). The two pentacyclic compounds confirmed the presence of steroids and validate the use of C. afer leaf as an anti-inflammatory and antidote for acute toxicity in traditional medicine.
Atsushi Ohtaka
Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan
Title: Catalytic specificity of polystyrene-stabilized PdO nanoparticles for Hiyama coupling reaction in water and the associated mechanism

Atsushi Ohtaka received his PhD from Osaka University in 2003 under the direction of Professor Hideo Kurosawa. He then worked for two years as a Post-Doctorate Research Fellow in National Cardiovascular Center, for a year at Institute for Molecular Science under the direction of Professor Yasuhiro Uozumi, and for six months as a Visiting Researcher in Alicante University under the direction of Professor Carmen Najera. He became an Assistant Professor (2006) and Associate Professor (2013) at Osaka Institute of Technology where he won an award for encouragement of Research in Materials Science in 2008. His current research interests include: (1) transition-metal nanoparticles catalyst; (2) catalytic reaction in water.
Metal nanoparticles have attracted considerable interest in the context of green chemistry because they are efficient catalysts for organic reactions in water. Recently, we developed linear polystyrene-stabilized PdO nanoparticles (PS-PdONPs) which showed high catalytic activity for several carbon-carbon coupling reactions in water.1-4 In the research of Hiyama coupling reaction catalyzed by PS-PdONPs,5 we got finding that the reaction would occur through the different mechanism from that in the case of metal complex catalyst. In general, the mechanism of the Hiyama coupling reaction involves the oxidative addition of aryl halides to Pd(0) to form the organopalladium halide (Ar-Pd-X). This is followed by transmetallation with organosilanes to provide the diorganopalladium species (Ar-Pd-R), which undergoes reductive elimination, leading to carbon-carbon bond formation and regeneration of Pd(0). When a Pd(II) species was used as the catalyst, it is supposed that reduction from Pd(II) to Pd(0) must first take place to generate the catalytically active species. However, we found that PS-PdONPs (Pd(II) species) exhibit high catalytic activity for the Hiyama coupling reaction of aryltrimethoxysilanes with a variety of bromoarenes under air in water. In contrast, no desired coupling product was obtained from the Hiyama coupling reaction using linear polystyrene-stabilized Pd nanoparticles (PS-PdNPs, Pd(0) species) as a catalyst. No formation of Pd(0) species was confirmed by XPS analysis of the recovered catalyst after the reaction. These data prompted us to examine the detailed mechanism of Hiyama coupling reaction in water using PS-PdONPs as a catalyst. The different reactivities of PdONPs and PdNPs will be also discussed.
Manisha Nigam
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Title: Synthesis of expensive N-phenylmaleimide derivatives and its green Diels Alder reaction
Manisha Nigam is an Associate Professor of Organic/Green Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, PA. Her scholarship and professional development activities are primarily focused on Green Chemistry Education, where her key research goal is to develop environmentally friendly experiments for undergraduate laboratories and to introduce students about alternate methodologies for achieving chemical transformations without the use of hazardous chemicals. She primarily teaches Organic Chemistry courses as well as a course in Green Chemistry & Sustainability that she has developed. She has guided numerous research students, who have presented their work at various conferences. She is also an active advocate for efforts aimed at achieving a “green” campus.
We propose the design and implementation of a less hazardous, environmentally friendly and energy efficient reaction within a sophomore level Organic Chemistry lab course curriculum - to synthesize efficient precursors that result in higher yields and lesser purification times for a Diels-Alder reaction. Our main objectives are to enable students to: (a) identify and understand various Green Chemistry principles associated with the Green reaction such as atom economy, use of safer chemicals, design for energy efficiency, and inherently safer chemistry for accident prevention; and (b) enable students to use 1H NMR spectroscopy data to identify the synthesized Diels-Alder product. Additionally, we anticipate the following benefits from this research: (a) shorter laboratory experimental times via the use of efficient precursors; (b) synthesis of efficient precursors that are otherwise expensive to procure commercially. Substituted N-phenylmaleimides are a class of very expensive precursors that are used in certain organic chemistry reactions. We propose here that the students will synthesize a substituted N-phenylmaleimide in two steps to be used as a precursor in the Diels-Alder reaction. In the first step, the students grind the maleic anhydride and substituted amines under solventless conditions. In the second step, they will perform the cyclization of amide acid with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate. The reaction of substituted N-phenylmaleimide with 2,3-dimethyl-1,3,butadiene presents sophomore level undergraduate students with an opportunity to identify the position of the substitution (ortho, meta or para) of the alkyl (R) group in the product using 1H NMR spectroscopy data. The students also explore and understand various Green Chemistry principles associated with the reaction such as: atom economy, use of safer chemicals, design for energy efficiency, and inherently safer chemistry for accident prevention.
Oluwatobi S Oluwafemi
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Title: Synthesis of gelatin stabilised high aspect ratio gold nanorods with enhanced biological stability as effective photothermal agent for cancer therapy

Oluwatobi S Oluwafemi is a researcher of National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa at the Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Johannesburg. His research is in the broad area of nanotechnology and includes green synthesis of semiconductor and metal nanomaterials for different applications which include but not limited to biological (Imaging, labeling, therapeutic-PDT and PTT), optical, environmental and water treatment. He has author and co-author many journal publications, book chapter and books. He is a reviewer for many international journals in the field of nanotechnology and has won many accolades both at local as well as at international level, focusing on different way.
A major challenge in efficient biological application of near infrared gold nanorods is the surfactant bilayer-induced cytotoxicity. Hence, there is need for the synthesis of biocompatible, non-toxic and stable functionalized gold nanorods. Though the use of gelatin as a passivating agent is a promising material for multifunctional coating, the inherent cytotoxicity, biological stability as well as the photothermal application performance of gelatin coated gold nanorods still need to be investigated before in vivo therapeutic application. In this study, synthesis of gelatin conjugated high aspect ratio gold nanorods (Au-NRs) with enhanced stability in biological system and its application in photothermal tumor ablation is herein reported for the first time. The gelatin shell required for the appropriate coating was optimized and investigated for their stability in culture media and relative cytotoxicity towards KM-Luc/GFP (mouse fibroblast histiocytoma cell line) and FM3A-Luc (breast carcinoma cell line) cancer cell lines. The optimized ratio of the gelatin-coated Au-NRs (0.5:1) exhibited enhanced biological media stability, improved temperature elevation and excellent photostability compared to CTAB and PEG capped gold nanorods. The cellular cytotoxicity and in vitro laser cytotoxicity experiments further demonstrate the effectiveness of the gelatin-coated nanorods in efficiently inhibiting deep-embedded tumor cells proliferation.
Patrick Pale
University of Strasbourg, France
Title: From homogeneous to heterogeneous catalysis towards greener chemistry: The zeo-click and zeolite-based organic synthesis approaches

Patrick Pale studied at the University of Champagne in France. After an industrial stay in a pharmaceutical company, he joined the group of Prof L Ghosez as a Post-doc fellow in Belgium. Back to France, he got a CNRS position and then a Research Associate position at Harvard University in the group of G Whitesides. In 1995, he got a full Professor position at the University of Strasbourg, France. Subsequently, he was awarded Professor at the “Institut Universitaire de France” from 1996 to 2001. His scientific interests include the (asymmetric) synthesis of bioactive compounds, organometallic chemistry, carbohydrate chemistry and enzymatic chemistry, and more recently chemistry with materials such as zeolites, MOF, POM.
Statement of the Problem: Organic synthesis is the art of building molecules in a controlled way, up to highly complex natural and bioactive compounds. Mostly relying on metals as reagents or catalysts, organic synthesis is facing a huge and increasing problem: metal availability and sustainability.
Methodology: To help solving this problem, we are combining the properties of zeolites with the catalytic properties of some metal ions, trying to develop an alternative organic chemistry that we called zeo-click chemistry. For that purpose, we are developing and using new heterogeneous catalysts based on zeolites (i) easy-to-prepare, easy-to-handle, easy-to-recover and recyclable, (ii) able to efficiently, quickly and reliably generate substances by joining appropriate units together, what we called the "zeo-click" approach. (Sch. 1). To go even further towards greener synthesis, we are currently exploring an alternative to the conventional solution- and solid-phase organic syntheses, based on such zeolite catalysts, what we called ZeoBOS: each step would be performed through a zeolite, either native or modified, catalytically converting a molecule to another one.
Conclusion & Significance: In sharp contrast to homogeneous catalysis, a single heterogeneous catalyst can be applied to major types of organic transformations such as multi-component reactions, coupling reactions, cycloadditions, etc (Sch 1). Furthermore, metalated zeolites are efficient and reusable catalysts, and they can keep their activity in water, alcohol or without solvent. The 1st total synthesis of a natural bioactive product has been achieved based on these metalated zeolites as catalysts.
Safi-naz S Zaki
National Research Centre, Egypt
Title: Influences of irrigation, fertilizers on growth and yield of two sugar beet varieties in Egypt
Safi-naz Sabet Zaki is n researcher in National Research Centre, Egypt. She is now working as a researcher in Agriculture & Biological division.
Two field experiments were conducted in the Experimental farm of the National Research centre, El-Nobaria, El-Boheira Governorate, Egypt, during two seasons (2014-2015) to evaluate the growth of root and yield of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). The experimental treatments were as following: (a) two sugar beet varieties (Samba and Farida), (b) three irrigation water regimes (2483, 1862 and 1241 m3/fed./season) under drip irrigation system, and (c) four NPK fertilization rates (0, 0, 0) as control, (50, 75, 25), (75, 110, 35) and (100, 150, 50) as quantity of compound NPK fertilizers, respectively. The results were: Samba variety was the superior in root characters i.e. length, and diameter, and yields of roots and sugar/fed., water stress induced by irrigated sugar beet plants with the lowest water regime which depressed the root parameters as well as yield of roots and sugar/fed. Root diameter and yields of roots and sugar showed its higher values under the moderate water regime (1862 m3/fed.). For water productivity of root yield, it was observed that the highest values were gained using the lowest quantity of water. Generally, it was obviously that Samba variety which irrigated by the moderate water regime (1862 m3/fed./season), and fertilized by the highest amount of NPK (100, 150, 50) produced the economic root and sugar yields of sugar beet and saved 621 m3/fed./season, which is the main concern nowadays for the arid regions.
- Industrial Applications of Green Chemistry | Analytical Methodologies | Sustainability and Environmental Safety | Green Chemistry and Engineering | Waste Management Strategies | Green Materials and Marketing
Session Introduction
S Padmavathy
Bishop Heber College, India
Title: Surface methodological approach of Pleurotus florida biowaste towards aspirin drug

S Padmavathy is an assistant professor in Bishop Heber College, Department of Chemistry. She has number of publication in national and international journal.
Microbial bioremediation covers a wide range of recalcitrant degradation of pharmaceutical waste. The present study aims to inspect the dried, nonliving Pleurotus florida bio-waste efficacy for bioremediation of aspirin in an ecofriendly manner. The equilibrium uptake of aspirin was investigated using batch experiments which were carried out as a function of contact time, initial concentration, pH and biomass dose. The optimal conditions for the highest percentage removal of aspirin was achieved at 2 h contact time, 100 mg/L of aspirin concentration, at pH 5 and 4.0 g/L biomass dose. The best fit was obtained by Langmuir isotherm model with high correlation coefficient (R2=0.989). The Pleurotus florida bio-waste was characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and thermo-gravimetric analyzer and their interaction between the aspirin was illustrated with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope.
Anne Gorden
Auburn University, USA
Title: Salen-quinoxolinol ligand supported Cu(II) catalysts for oxidations in aqueous systems
Anne Elizabeth Vivian Gorden has completed her PhD while working with Jonathan Sessler at the University of Texas at Austin in Organic Chemistry. She then moved on to do Post-doctoral research with Kenneth Raymond, first at the University of California - Berkeley and then at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratoy Seaborg Center. In 2005, she started as an Assistant Professor at Auburn University, the land grant university for Alabama. She was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in 2011. She is Faculty Advisor for the Auburn Association of Women in Science, and she is an Author of more than 40 peer-reviewed publications.
Streamlining synthesis improves atom economy or selectivity improves sustainability of chemical processes which makes better use of dwindling natural resources. Introducing catalytic reactions or limiting volatile organic solvents (VOS) are required for purifications or are two examples of reducing industrial impacts. Most catalytic systems feature toxic metals, high catalyst loading, and/or hazardous organic solvents. Selectivity and optimal conditions remain elusive. Previously, we have developed 2-quinoxalinol salens, Schiff base ligands with a quinoxaline incorporated into a salen backbone, nicknamed Salqu, as catalyst supports for Cu(II). The imbued electronic properties of the heterocycle improves solubility and increases catalytic efficacy as compared to analogous salen or salophen complexes in oxidation reactions. Simple olefin substrates can be oxidized using the salqu catalyst with TBHP (up to 99% yield) with short reaction times and improved selectivity. These Salqu ligands have now been modified through sulfonation to be water soluble. The aqueous soluble metal catalysts then possess some of the beneficial properties of homogeneous catalysis - selectivity and efficiency, while also being more easily recoverable and recyclable. The Sulfosalqu ligands have been used in Cu(II) complexes for the selective oxidation of propargylic, benzylic and allylic alcohols to the corresponding carbonyl compounds in water in combination with the oxidant tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP). Excellent selectivity was achieved with this catalytic protocol for the oxidation of propargylic, benzylic, and allylic alcohols over aliphatic alcohols. Here, we describe the efficacy of these in C-H activation and their mechanism of reaction.
Pungayee Amirtham
Cauvery College for Women, India
Title: Pleurotus florida: Myco- community in carcinogenic metal ions uptake capacity
Pungayee Alias Amirtham is an assistance professor in Cauvery College for Womn, India. She has number of publication in national and international journal.
Chemical carcinogens trigger cancer, directly cause genetic mutation leading to rapid cell division and abnormal cell growth. Most of the heavy metals are anticipated to be human carcinogen and metal carcinogenicity ingestion in living system beyond the limited concentration causes severe health disorders. Macro fungi are promising economic, environmental sound alternative bioremediating tool for the heavy metal uptake capacity. The present study offers an insight into the deterioration of metal toxicity through the Pleurotus species and the experimental results highlighted the screening potential of Pleurotus florida for nickel and cobalt ions uptake capacity. Larger amount of cobalt ion 66.33 mg/Kg in the fungal fruiting body than nickel ions (52.83 mg/Kg) showed that cobalt ion has greater bioaccumulation factor and resulted in lower growth rate. The metal accumulated Pleurotus florida species were tested against pathogenic bacteria and fungal organisms and the zone of inhibitory values indicated greater antimicrobial activity than control and it confirms the bioaccumulation of metal ions in the fungal fruiting body.
Kouichi Matsumoto
Kindai University, Japan
Title: Synthesis of fluorinated bicyclic molecule via Prins cyclization using electro-generated acid

Kouichi Matsumoto graduated from Kyoto University in 2005. He received his PhD in 2010 from Kyoto University under the supervision of Professor Jun-ichi Yoshida. In 2010, he joined the group of Prof Shigenori Kashimura at Kindai University as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Lecturer in 2014. His current research interests are in 1) the development of new reactions using electro-organic chemistry, 2) the kinetic analysis of electro-generated reactive species using Raman spectroscopy, and 3) the synthesis of organic materials for organic thin film solar cells. He is awarded by Student Presentation Award in the 89th CSJ spring meeting (2009), and got Prize of the Promotion of Engineering Research in Foundation for the Promotion of Engineering Research (2012).
Prins cyclization using simple aldehydes and homoallylic alcohols in the presence of acid reagents is well known to form functionalized tetrahydropyrans, and the reactions have been extensively studied so far. Because tetrahydropyrans are important and interesting unit in bioactive molecules, a new synthetic development in this field has been still required. In the view point of integration of Prins cyclization, some interesting reactions have been reported. For example, sequential Sakurai-Prins-Ritter reactions are developed by Rovis, T. et al. This reaction involves Prins cyclization in the latter stage. Tandem Prins/Friedel-Crafts cyclization has recently been reported by Yadav, J. S. et al, in which the generated carbocation by Prins cyclization was trapped by aromatic ring to form heterotricycles. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no report of tandem Prins/cationic cyclization using aldehyde and non-conjugated diene alcohol as integrated Prins cyclization. We have recently reported that the electrochemical oxidation of the solution of aldehydes and homoallylic alcohols in Bu4NBF4/CH2Cl2 afforded the corresponding fluorinated tetrahydrofurans via Prins cyclization. During the course of our study, we found that this type of cyclization reaction could be extended to tandem Prins/cationic cyclization (Scheme 1). The electrochemical oxidation of octanal (R = C7H15-) and (E)-4,7-octadiene-1-ol in Bu4NBF4/CH2Cl2 at -40 oC in divided cell gave the corresponding fluorinated bicyclic compound in 73% yield. The same reactions were also found to be promoted by Lewis acids. In the presentation, the detail of the reactions including optimization, scope and limitations, and mechanism will be discussed.
Velram Mohan
The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Title: Graphene: A promising nano-reinforcement for functional composite materials

Velram Balaji Mohan received a B.Tech in Polymer Technology from Anna University, India and an ME (Hons) in Materials and Process Engineering from the University of Waikato, New Zealand. He has gained a PhD from the Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM) at the University of Auckland on the development of functional graphene/polymer nanocomposites. Currently, he is working as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM) and Plastics Centre of Excellence (PCoE) at the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
Graphene is a unique carbon material and its derivatives can be used as functional reinforcements in polymers for applications, such as sensors, flexible devices and functional nanocomposites. This article focuses on the preparation and characterisation of superconducting graphene derivatives and manufacturing of complex blends of primary and secondary polymers reinforced with highly conductive graphene material. The electrical conductivity can be established in conventional non-conductive thermoplastics by melt blending process through systematic approach and the right choice of additional electrically conductive components. Conducting polymers such as polyaniline-complex (PANI-complex) and polypyrrole (PPY) can be blended with thermoplastics even at higher temperatures of 280 ºC. Hence, hybrids of polypropylene (PP-non-polar), polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA-polar) and polyoxymethylene (POM-highly polar) as primary polymer matrices while polypyrrole and polyaniline as secondary conducting polymer matrices reinforced with graphene (G). The maximum electrical conductivity of 0.7 S/cm has been acquired with POM/PPY/G blend with 4 wt% and 3 wt% of polypyrrole and graphene loading, respectively. Furthermore, electrically conductive wires were produced using graphene particles’ different fibre yarns (including natural fibres) as wires and epoxy resin as a binding material. Three different dip-coating approaches were used and electrical conductivity and morphology of the samples were investigated. By systematically varying material composition and manufacturing techniques, and applying optimisation methods, it will identify sets of coating parameters that will allow improving electrical conductivity and mechanical properties. This will demonstrate that conducting yarns can be produced using off-the-shelf technologies, inexpensive natural fibres and easily synthesisable conducting organic materials. These points are critical if graphene and reduced graphene oxide are to be produced and used in large-scale devices or bulk commercial applications.
Abdeen Mustafa Omer
Environmental Research Institute, UK
Title: Agricultural residues for future energy options in Sudan: an analysis
Abdeen Mustafa Omer (BSc, MSc, PhD) is an Associate Researcher at Energy Research Institute (ERI). He obtained both his PhD degree in the Built Environment and Master of Philosophy degree in Renewable Energy Technologies from the University of Nottingham. He is qualified Mechanical Engineer with a proven track record within the water industry and renewable energy technologies. He has been graduated from University of El Menoufia, Egypt, BSc in Mechanical Engineering. His previous experience involved being a member of the research team at the National Council for Research/Energy Research Institute in Sudan and Working Director of Research and Development for National Water Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Sudan. He has been listed in the book WHO’S WHO in the World 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010. He has published over 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 200 review articles, 7 books and 150 chapters in books.
Like many tropical countries, Sudan has ample biomass resources that can be efficiently exploited in a manner that is both profitable and sustainable. Fuel-wood farming offers cost-effective and environmentally friendly energy solutions for Sudan, with the added benefit of providing sustainable livelihoods in rural areas. This article provides an overview of biomass energy activities and highlights future plans concerning optimum technical and economical utilization of biomass energy available in Sudan. Results suggest that biomass energy technologies must be encouraged, promoted, implemented, and fully demonstrated in Sudan.
Abiodun S Momodu
Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
Title: System dynamics modeling of low-carbon development strategy for the West African electricity system

Abiodun S Momodu holds a PhD in Technology Management and is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Energy Research and Development, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. He is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences in conjunction with the Association of Commonwealth Universities. He is an Associate Lecturer, Centre for Petroleum, Energy, Economics and Law, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. His researches span energy planning and environmental management, with particular emphasis in electricity system and bioenergy, policy analysis, climate change, green chemistry, gender and system dynamics modeling. He is a member of many learned professional bodies such as the System Dynamics Society, International Society for Development and Sustainability, Nigerian Association of Energy Economics and an affiliate member of International Association of Energy Economics. He has over 30 journal articles and technical reports to his credit. He heads System Dynamics Research and Modeling, and Green Research Groups.
Policy makers seek to understand needed trade-offs between economic growth and climate change. This provides the context to explore low-carbon development (LCD) pathways for the West African electricity system. The study relied on both primary and secondary sources of data elicited from relevant authorities in its electricity system, namely, West African Power Pool and ECOWAS Regional Electricity Regulatory Authority. Low-carbon development strategy (LCDS) as a planning process in West African Power Pool was evaluated. System dynamics (SD) model was developed to assess the relevance of the nonlinear relationship between generation adequacy and greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reduction. Tension between providing adequate supply capacity against reducing emission from the generation technologies in the West African electricity system was examined. This model arranged the complexities in the system and established the basic interconnecting structure to conduct the analysis. Four high leverage points were identified, namely, capacity factor (CF), emission factor (EF), time to adjust capacity, and expectation formation. CF and EF improvement increased efficiency in the system. The expectation formation periods were determined at 7.5 years for the base case scenario and 7 years for the LCD option scenario. Time to adjust capacity was located at 21 and 20 years respectively; deduced from the average time it will take to construct a combined cycle gas power plant (3 years) and an allowance of 2 years for delays and its decommissioning time. Between 2011 and 2012, in LCD option scenario, emission of GHG to the atmosphere dropped as generation did but began a steady rise for the simulation period to 6.154 bt CO2 in 2060. The high leverage points identified in the model simulation situate three policy options for overcoming poverty and mitigation targets as regards resource mix, investment cost recovery, and technical factors to reduce system’s environmental footprint.
Asmae Bouziani
Mohammed V University, Morocco
Title: Degradation of methyl orange in water by visible excitation of a Bi2WO6-Fe2O3 catalyst
Asmae Bouziani is from Mohammed V University, Morocco. She has number of publication in national and international journal.
The development of new photocatalysts is attracting vast interest. Among them the Bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) is a typical n-type direct band gap semiconductor with a band gap of 2.75 eV and has prospective applications in electrode materials, solar energy conversion and catalysis. In addition it has been found that Bi2WO6 might act the same as a stable photocatalyst for the photochemical decomposition of organic contaminants under visible light irradiation. The present study intended to dope Bi2WO6 with Fe2O3 to prepare Bi2WO6-Fe2O3 composite and investigate the degradation mechanisms of the composite in the presence of H2O2. Methyl orange (MO) is used to imitate no biodegradable, toxic organic compounds. The photocatalytic activity of Bi2WO6-Fe2O3 to MO in the absence and presence of H2O2 is evaluated. Bi2WO6-Fe2O3 composites were synthesized using a mechanical mixing; by adding the Bi2WO6 obtained by hydrothermal method to the corresponding amount of Fe2O3 and their photocatalytic activity to degrade methyl orange (MO) under visible light illumination supported with H2O2 were studied. The H2O2 react with photogenerated electrons leading to the production of hydroxyl radicals (OHâ—). The Fe2O3 acts like a Fenton reagent, accelerating the production of OHâ—. Bi2WO6-Fe2O3/ H2O2 system demonstrate much higher photocatalytic efficiency to degrade MO than pure Bi2WO6. 50% of MO was degraded in 120 min visible irradiation and the peak disappeared after 90 min, and in Bi2WO6-Fe2O3 system the peak disappeared after 90 min. This study was performed at pH≈ 6 using Fe2O3 as a heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalyst in neutral and weak alkaline conditions of wastewater.
Hao Peng
Yangtze Normal University, China
Title: A green method to leach vanadium and chromium from residue using NaOH-H2O2

Hao Peng is currently a PhD in School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China. His research topics are chemical engineering, green chemistry and resource utilization.
Hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant was applied in leaching of vanadium and chromium in concentrated NaOH solution. To obtain the optimal reaction conditions, the effects of various reaction parameters were systematically investigated. The leaching efficiency of vanadium was found to exhibited an analogously parabolic characteristic with the increase in reaction temperature; in addition, the increase in the mass ratio of NaOH-to-residue, the volume ratio of H2O2-to-residue, reaction time favored the leaching process, with the optimal reaction condition determined as the liquid to solid ratio of 4.0 ml/g, residue particle size of < 200 mesh, the mass ratio of NaOH-to-residue of 1.0 g/g, the volume ratio of H2O2-to-residue of 1.2 ml/g, reaction temperature of 90 °C and reaction time of 120 min. Under the optimal reaction conditions, the leaching efficiency of vanadium and chromium could reach up to 98.60% and 86.49%, respectively. Compared with the current liquid-phase oxidation technologies, the reaction temperature was 90-310 °C lower, and the NaOH concentration of the reaction medium is lower by more than 50 wt% (the mass ratio of NaOH-to-residue of 1.0 g/g equals to concentration of 20 wt%). The kinetics study revealed that leaching process of chromium and vanadium were interpreted with shrinking core model under chemical reaction control. The apparent activation energy of chromium and vanadium dissolution was 22.19 kJ/mol and 6.95 kJ/mol, respectively.
- Climate Change | Pollution | Fossil Fuels and Energy | Waste Management & Treatment | Soil Pollution
Session Introduction
Jenifer J Gabla
S V National Institute of Technology, India
Title: Mesoporous zeolite BEA: Synthesis, characterization and their catalytic application in multi-component reactions

Jenifer J Gabla has obtained her MSc degree in Organic Chemistry, in the year 2013 from Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, Gujarat. She is currently pursuing her PhD in the area of solid acid catalyzed multicomponent reactions for the synthesis of biologically active drug molecules, at Applied Chemistry Department (ACD), S. V. National Institute of Technology (SVNIT) under the guidance of Kalpana Maheria, Assistant Professor & Head, ACD, SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat, India. Her research focuses on development of novel zeolite based catalytic materials and exploring their utility in the green process development for the synthesis of medicinal compounds. She has presented her research in several national and international conferences.
The mesoporous zeolite BEA (MZB or BEA/MCM-41 composite) material with bimodal pore structure, acidity and surface area has been synthesized by using zeolite BEA as silica-alumina source. The material was characterized by various techniques such as powder SAXS/WAXS, N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm, NH3-TPD, ICP-OES, TGA-DTA, FT-IR, Pyridine IR, SEM, TEM, 27Al and 29Si NMR. Powder SAXS/WAXS showed the existence of well-structured microphase of zeolite BEA and mesophase of MCM-41 in the composite materials. In addition, the significant improvement in the catalytic properties of MZB material was investigated for the synthesis of various biologically active compounds through multi-component reactions (MCRs). The MZB material display excellent activity towards the synthesis of 2,4,5-triphenyl-1(H)-imidazoles and 1-benzyl-2,4,5-triphenyl-1H-imidazoles through MCRs in high yield within shorter reaction time and with low catalyst loading as compared to the microporous zeolite H-BEA. Solvent-free protocol makes the process environmentally benign and economically viable. The present protocol will serve as green tool and opens a new avenue in the area of environmentally benign synthesis of biologically active drug like molecules.

Jignesh Shukla has been engaged in the fundamental research work on solubility of gypsum and properties of solution. His working area is to execute the salt technology and brine management in the field for last 13 years. He has experience in synthesis of fluorescence sensor and beneficiation of clay. He has achieved CSIR-Technology Award for his contribution in execution of the salt technology in the rural area. He has also been engaged in the development of formulation for dust less chalk and its technology and commercialization.
He has been also working in the area of clay composite and its application in the field of percolation of brine. He is having the experience in research, evaluation, teaching and administration both in field and laboratory.
Statement of the Problem: Gypsum, sparingly soluble salt, co-precipitates with NaCl during common salt manufacture. The impurity of gypsum in common salt detriment the membranes in chlor alkali and soda ash industries. Scale formation of gypsum in equipments and/or generators creates problems like fouling in heat exchangers, pressure drop in fluid handling equipment’s and in unit operations in chemical industries. The purpose of this investigation is to provide the solution on descaling of clogged gypsum and/or to prevent crystallization of gypsum on the surfaces.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: Gypsum solubility was modified using ionic liquids viz. hydroxyl alkyl amine acetates (5-15%wt) in presence of NaCl aqueous solutions having very high concentration at 35Ëš C. The physicochemical properties like speed of sound, density, viscosity, conductivity and ion concentrations of the solutions were determined using Anton Paar (model DSA 5000m) (resolution:5× 10-2 Kg.m-3 and 0.01 m.s-1 respectively), by rolling ball Anton Paar AMvn viscometer. Ca2+, SO42- and Cl- concentration were determined using standard Na2-EDTA titration, BaCl2 gravimetric precipitation and Mohar’s method respectively. Gypsum solubility is governed by physical parameters, salt concentration and nature of the solvent. Reorientation of water molecules and hydrogen bond network occurs when a salt is incorporated. The ionic liquid additives can reinforce this reorientation. The compressibility (Ks) of solutions were derived using Newton-Laplace equation. Jones-Dole equation was used for determination of viscosity coefficient B and D ηr = η/η0 = 1+Bc+Dc2.
Findings: An increment of 28.3% in the solubility of the gypsum at 2.604 m salt concentration was observed. Density and viscosity of the solutions increased proportionally with concentration of salt and additives of the solution. Compressibility decreased as the concentration of salt and gypsum increased.
Conclusion & Significance: Ionic liquid additives act as hydrogen bonding breaker which modified the solubility of gypsum.
Juggnu Bhatt
Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, India
Title: Organically modified Indian smectite clay as rheology modifier

Juggnu Bhatt has expertise in clay based materials particularly for wastewater treatment and as rheology modifier in various organic media; surface science, salt manufacture, soil science and powder rheology. His has been invited for chapters in two books exhibit the investigation of the treatment of effluents from industries such as textile, textile dyeing and printing, dyes and dye-intermediates, fertilizer, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and agro-based pesticide to his credit. He has developed an organoclay from bentonite for grease for IOC, PP/Nanocomposite for Reliance industry and attapulgite for drilling mud, pharmaceutical and bleaching of cotton seed oil. He has been a member of Editorial Board of the journals Polluton Research, Jr. of Industrial Pollution Control and Ecology Environment and Conservation. He has been a Member of panel of Adjudicators for the PhD degree of Kerala University. He has initiated a work on waste utilization for soil of salt works – a new area/field viz. percolation (ongoing work).
Statement of the problem: The commercial organosmectites manufactured by patented methodology are used as rheology modifier/thixotropic agent in industry manufacturing paints, inks, varnishes, coatings, adhesives, greases, cosmetics and medicines. The organosmectites synthesized using clays and organic modifiers and/or methodologies different/other than the one patented cannot match requisite rheological properties and parameters of the end use. In the present investigation, the attempts have been made to explore the means/approach that can achieve the requisite rheology of the end applications using the non-commercial organosmectites.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: Cetrimonium-, 1-Hexadecylpyridinium- and Benzyldimethyloctadecylazanium-smectites derived from Indian (Rajasthan) smectite, and quaternary ammonium salts viz. Cetrimonium bromide, 1-Hexadecylpyridinium chloride and Benzyldimethyloctadecylazanium chloride were studied for rheological properties and parameters of their methylbenzene-dispersions. The effect of concentration of smectite and polar activator has been studied. A commercial organobentoniteBentontie-34 was for comparison.
Findings: The organic density, of quaternary ammonium salts influenced the basal spacing, particle size and bulk density of the organosmectites. Rheological reinforcement of methylbenzene-organosmectite-dispersions prepared using sheering technique demonstrated shear-thinning flow behavior, degree of shear-thinning, stability of the gel structures and yield stress. The potential of organosmectites exhibited the order: Bentone-34 >Benzyldimethyloctadecylazanium-smectite >1-Hexadecylpyridinium-smectite > Cetrimonium-smectite. Whereas the efficiency of the organosmectites to improve the rheology of the methylbenzene-organosmectite-dispersions demonstrated the sequence as follows: 1-Hexadecylpyridinium-smectite > Cetrimonium-smectite > Bentone-34 > Benzyldimethyloctadecylazanium-smectite. The organosmectites with polar activator having smectite based 65 wt.% concentration exhibited optimum rheological enhancement. Ostwald–de Waele relationship and Casson models/equations have been used to describe the rheological properties of methylbenzene-organosmectite-dispersions and respective rheological parameters have also shown the trend same as indicated by the rheological properties.
Conclusion & Significance: So far as conventional sheer method is concerned Bentone-34 is observed to be the most efficient clay in enhancing the rheology of methylbenzene-dispersions, but when ulrtasonication used for preparing the methylbenzene-dispersions the rheology enhancement by 1-Hexadecylpyridinium- and Cetrimonium-smectites are superior to Bentone-34.
R S Shinde
Dayanand Science College, India
Title: Facile synthesis of some triazine based chalcones as potential antioxidant and anti-diabetic agents
R S Shinde is working as an Assistant Professor at Dayanand Science College, Department of Chemistry. He completed his PhD from Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University. He has many publications in reputed national and international journals.His major areas of interests are medicinal chemistry, synthetic methodologies, multicomponent reactions etc.
A series of s-triazine based chalcones have been prepared by the Claisen-Schmidt condensation. Chalcones have characteristic 1, 3-diaryl-2-propen-1-one backbone skeleton. Changes in their aryl rings provide accessibility of a high degree of variety that has proven useful for the development of new medicinal agents with improved potency and lesser toxicity. A convenient method for the synthesis of biologically active triazine based chalcones using triazine ketone and substituted benzaldehyde in dry methanol has been done. The structures of the compounds were confirmed by spectral data (IR, 1H NMR and mass spectroscopy). The synthesized compounds were studied for their antioxidant and anti-diabetic activity.
Warjeet S Laitonjam
Manipur University, India
Title: Development of new hexamine and DABCO-based ionic liquids as Green solvents for organic reactions

Warjeet S Laitonjam joined the Department of Chemistry, Manipur University, Manipur, India as Assistant Professor in the year 1988. He is serving as Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Manipur University since 2006. He was a Commonwealth Fellow of Association of Commonwealth Universities, London, UK for one year (1997-1998). He was also nominated as a Visiting Scientist by the Royal Society, London to visit UK for three months (from 31st January to 5th May 2006). His research area of specialization is Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Natural Products Chemistry. He has shaped 15 PhD students and published more than 70 research papers.
Hexamethylenetetramine-based and DABCO-based ionic liquids were synthesized. These readily available DABCO-based and Hexamethylenetetramine-based ionic liquids behave as recyclable catalysts for various organic reactions, such as, the Michael reaction, the Knoevenagel condensation, Henry reactions, aldol reactions, etc. It will be demonstrated that the DABCO-based ionic liquids behave as recyclable catalysts for the Michael addition reaction of a broad range of active methylene compounds, and α, β-unsaturated carboxylic esters and nitriles, offering excellent yields in short duration. The Knoevenagel condensation of various aromatic/aliphatic/heterocyclic aldehydes and ketones with active methylene compounds using DABCO-based and Hexamethylenetetramine-based ionic liquids afforded the condensation products in excellent yields in short durations. The use of DABCO-based ionic liquid, 1-butyl-4-aza-1-azadiabicyclo [2.2.2] octane hydroxide, as an efficient catalyst for Henry reaction of various carbonyl compounds with nitroalkanes affording very high yields within short duration will also be highlighted. These ILs can also be used as green catalysts for aldol reactions of various aromatic aldehydes and ketones under solvent free conditions at room temperature; and very high to excellent yield can be obtained. They also can be used as catalysts for synthesizing fused pyrimidine derivatives, such as, 7-thioxo-pyrazolopyrano-pyrimidinones, 2-thioxo-benzochromeno-pyrimidinones, etc. These methods are very simple, clean and avoid hazardous organic solvents. The catalysts could be easily recovered and recycled for several times. Thus, development of a series of ionic liquids which could be easily prepared and used as recyclable catalysts for various organic reactions will be highlighted. The process developed is an improved process which offers several advantages over other processes and would contribute to environmentally friendly and safer processes.
Yehya Kamal Al-Bayati is associated with Baghdad University, Iraq. He has number of publication in national and international journal.
Two molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) were prepared by using ibuprofen as the template a well as methacrylic acid (MAA) or acrylamide (ACY) as monomer, used ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) or trimethylol propane triacrylate (TMPTA) as cross linker, and benzoyl peroxide as initiator. NIPs prepared by using the same composition of MIPs except the template (IBP). The membrane of MIPs, NIPs were prepared by using di butyl phthalate (DBPH), oleic acid (OA), paraffin (PRF) and o-nitro phenyloctylether (ONPOE) as plasticizers in PVC matrix. The slope, detection limit, linearity range of electrodes MIPs from (-54.25, -45.23) mV/decade, (1.09×10-6 M-9×10-6 M) and (1×10-5-1×10-1) , respectively, and show stable response in a pH rang from (3.5-7.5) and studied the selectivity with inorganic ions (Na+, Li+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+ and Al3+ ) show good selectivity .