Juggnu Bhatt
Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, India
Juggnu Bhatt has expertise in clay based materials particularly for wastewater treatment and as rheology modifier in various organic media; surface science, salt manufacture, soil science and powder rheology. His has been invited for chapters in two books exhibit the investigation of the treatment of effluents from industries such as textile, textile dyeing and printing, dyes and dye-intermediates, fertilizer, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and agro-based pesticide to his credit. He has developed an organoclay from bentonite for grease for IOC, PP/Nanocomposite for Reliance industry and attapulgite for drilling mud, pharmaceutical and bleaching of cotton seed oil. He has been a member of Editorial Board of the journals Polluton Research, Jr. of Industrial Pollution Control and Ecology Environment and Conservation. He has been a Member of panel of Adjudicators for the PhD degree of Kerala University. He has initiated a work on waste utilization for soil of salt works – a new area/field viz. percolation (ongoing work).
Abstract : Organically modified Indian smectite clay as rheology modifier