Jignesh Shukla
Title: Effect of ionic liquid additives on the solubility of gypsum in the concentrated salt solution, measurement of physiochemical properties of solution at 35ËšC and morphological study
Biography: Jignesh Shukla
Statement of the Problem: Gypsum, sparingly soluble salt, co-precipitates with NaCl during common salt manufacture. The impurity of gypsum in common salt detriment the membranes in chlor alkali and soda ash industries. Scale formation of gypsum in equipments and/or generators creates problems like fouling in heat exchangers, pressure drop in fluid handling equipment’s and in unit operations in chemical industries. The purpose of this investigation is to provide the solution on descaling of clogged gypsum and/or to prevent crystallization of gypsum on the surfaces.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: Gypsum solubility was modified using ionic liquids viz. hydroxyl alkyl amine acetates (5-15%wt) in presence of NaCl aqueous solutions having very high concentration at 35Ëš C. The physicochemical properties like speed of sound, density, viscosity, conductivity and ion concentrations of the solutions were determined using Anton Paar (model DSA 5000m) (resolution:5× 10-2 Kg.m-3 and 0.01 m.s-1 respectively), by rolling ball Anton Paar AMvn viscometer. Ca2+, SO42- and Cl- concentration were determined using standard Na2-EDTA titration, BaCl2 gravimetric precipitation and Mohar’s method respectively. Gypsum solubility is governed by physical parameters, salt concentration and nature of the solvent. Reorientation of water molecules and hydrogen bond network occurs when a salt is incorporated. The ionic liquid additives can reinforce this reorientation. The compressibility (Ks) of solutions were derived using Newton-Laplace equation. Jones-Dole equation was used for determination of viscosity coefficient B and D ηr = η/η0 = 1+Bc+Dc2.
Findings: An increment of 28.3% in the solubility of the gypsum at 2.604 m salt concentration was observed. Density and viscosity of the solutions increased proportionally with concentration of salt and additives of the solution. Compressibility decreased as the concentration of salt and gypsum increased.
Conclusion & Significance: Ionic liquid additives act as hydrogen bonding breaker which modified the solubility of gypsum.