Kavita Shah
Banaras Hindu University, India
Kavita Shah has completed her PhD from Banaras Hindu University and is presently the Director at the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, BHU. She has contributed in the area of Environmental Biotechnology, Health and Water Resource Management. She has 70 publications, 02 patent/process and 12 GenBank/protein-model submissions to her credit. She has received Women Scientist Award, BHU-Gold Medal, Japanese-STA-Fellowship, IUBMB Young Scientist Fellowship Award, Swiss Fellowship and Medhavi Chhatra Puraskar. Her important contributions include developing dopamine biosensor; process for purification of rice-peroxidase; multi-stress tolerant tomato lines and Cd/Heat/Salt/SA/JA/NO-induced stress-signaling in rice under changing climate.
Abstract : Putting plant residue in use for dopamine estimation in human biofluids: A green technology