Kavita Shah
Banaras Hindu University, India
Title: Putting plant residue in use for dopamine estimation in human biofluids: A green technology
Biography: Kavita Shah
Sustainability and environmental safety management involves managing the natural resources optimally and with minimal impact on environment. Human-induced climate change has become a major focus of scientific research because of the potential catastrophic effects on biodiversity, food security and human communities. As a consequence corporate spending on environmental health and safety is increasing. A marked effect of climate change on the global scale demand more intervention of environmental biotechnology and green chemistry to understand the issues at micro-level. The formulation of adaptive strategies together with assessment of the impact of climate change forms the base for climate resilient agriculture globally. With this the cropping pattern of rice growing areas has changed and after harvest a large volume of rice plant residue is left behind which has limited use. This plant residue is rich in enzymes which remains untapped. The present work showcases the use of a plant residue for the development of a dopamine sensor for use of human subjects as a sustainable approach towards management of neurological patients without compromising with the food supply or nature at large.