April 11, 2016 at Borough of Manhattan Community College, USA
Beyond the classroom: Multidisciplinary and sustainable undergraduate research
This workshop was co-sponsored by the Research and Nature BMCC Student club and gathered students and faculty members from STEM careers from BMCC and other college across the NY state. This one-day event combined the expertise of faculty members that conduct experimental and theoretical research with community college students. Students that conduct research under the mentorship of BMCC faculty members also showcased their research and presented their findings to the audience. The participation of students as speakers had a positive impact in the audience, since it contributed to further discussion and also encouraged students to participate in research projects.
The topics that were presented at the workshop varied from microbiology, chemistry, environmental remediation, computational simulations, neuroscience, plant biology and active compounds, memory and retention, math/art research, engineering of water purification, CIS research, health education and organic synthesis.
This workshop was by far the most attended during the last four years at BMCC and included students from all academic departments.