Vivek M Raut
Government Vidarbha Institute of Science & Humanities, India
Vivek M.Raut has completed his PhD at the age of 27 years from Pune University Pune (MS) India. He is the H.O.D. of Chemistry Dept, Government Vidarbha Institute of Science & Humanities Amravati (MS) India. He has having more than 20 years of Teaching & research experiences. He has published more than 35 papers in reputed International journals. He has attended International conf. in Tokoshima Japan in 2011, Busan South Koria in 2014,And Mosco Russia in 2015 along with conf. in India. His research Area is Luminescence And conducting Polymer. He got Best Research Publication Award in International conf.
Abstract : Synthesis and characterization of new conjugated electroluminescent polyquinoline derivative