Xumu Zhang
The State University of New Jersey, USA
Xumu Zhang was born in 1961 in Hubei Province, China. He received his BS degree in chemistry (1982) from Wuhan University, China, and MS in chemistry (1985) from the Chinese Science Academy, Fuzhou, China, under the supervision of Professor Jiaxi Lu. He received his PhD in chemistry in 1992 from Stanford University under the guidance of James P Collman. He then carried out Postdoctoral work at Stanford for two years. In 1994, he joined the department of chemistry at The Penn State University as an Assistant Professor of chemistry. In 1999, he was promoted to an Associate Professor of chemistry. In 2003, he was promoted to Professor of chemistry. In 2007, he moved to The State University of New Jersey as Distinguished Professor. His research interests include the development of new chiralligands for asymmetric catalysis, the investigation of asymmetric hydrogenation and carbon−carbon bond-forming reactions, the synthesis of biologically active compounds, and the discovery of new synthetic methods.
Abstract : Practical catalytic hydrogenation
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