Robert H. Crabtree
Yale University
Bob Crabtree was educated at New College, Oxford with Malcolm Green, did his Ph.D. with Joseph Chatt at Sussex University and spent four years in Paris in Hugh Felkin's lab at the CNRS Natural Products Institute, headed at that time by Derek Barton. In 1977 he came to the US as an Assistant Professor at Yale, where he is now Whitehead Professor of Chemistry. He has been A.P. Sloan Foundation Fellow and Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, received the ACS and Royal Soc. of Chem. Awards for organometallic chemistry and has been Chair of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of ACS. He has also received the Mack (Ohio State), Karcher (Oklahoma), Job (Memorial U) and Kolosapoff (Auburn U, 2010) Awards, been an H.C. Brown Lecturer at Purdue University, Dow lecturer at Berkeley, Sabatier Lecturer at Toulouse, Williams Lecturer at Oxford, Osborn Lecturer at Strasbourg, Mond Lecturer (UK) and visiting Professor at the Universities of Paris, Toulouse and Montpellier.
Research Interest