Ahmed Elshazly
Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology, Egypt
Title: Development of a new electrode using polyaniline coated graphite and its application for wastewater treatment in a batch electrooxidation unit
Biography: Ahmed Elshazly
In this work, a new electrode of polyaniline coated graphite (PANG) was investigated for its possible application in electrooxidation unit for treatment of organic wastes. The main aim of this work is to investigate its stability against Cl- as oxidizing agent in the treatment process. The research work was divided into two main part; first was the polyaniline (PANI) layer deposition on the graphite road using the galvanostatic technique under different conditions of current density, aniline concentration, solution pH and oxalic acid concentration; the second part was to study the stability of the new electrode against Cl- in a solution of NaCl using cyclic voltametry under different conditions of NaCl concentration, scan rate and solution pH. The results indicated that the new electrode has a good stability against Cl- while scanning up 50 cycles