Maria Jose Lavorante
MarÃa José Lavorante was born in Buenos Aires City, Argentina, in 1979. She graduated as Sc Ba Chemistry from the University of Salvador. She is the Director of Research and Development Department of Renewable Energy at the Institution of Scientific and Technological Research for Defense, Argentina. She is Head Professor at the Engineer Faculty of the Army Div. Grl. Manuel Nicolás Savio, in charge of the subjects Organic Chemistry and Organic Synthesis. She has been a reviewer of different manuscripts to be presented in International Conferences as 2017 International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy System, 2017 International conference on Water Resource and Environment and 2018. She also works reviewing manuscripts to be published in the scientific journal "Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Energy". Since 2017 is part of the Advisory Board of Cambridge Scholars Publishing and reviwer of American Journal of Energy Engineering. She delivered several oral presentations in different International Congresses
Research Interest