Annarita Salladini
Project Manager
NextChem srl, Italy
Annarita Salladini is a Project Manager working for Processi Innovativi Srl, a company owned by KT–Kinetics Technology SpA, and part of Maire Tecnimont Group. She graduated in Chemical Engineering cum laude at the University of L’Aquila in 2004. She received her Ph.D. in Chemical and Biotechnology Innovative Processes in 2009 at the University of L’Aquila. She joined Processi Innovativi on 2009 and since then she was involved in R&D project and Engineering Project focused on hydrogen production, solar energy exploitation through CSP technology, Power to gas, Waste valorization for chemical production. Since 2011 she is tutor assistant at the University Campus Biomedico of Rome in the field of Analysis and Simulation of industrial chemical processes. She co-authored several scientific papers in refereed journals, chapters on international books and patent.
Research Interest
Chemical engineering